Personal Trainer
- 20 years of experience personal training clients of all levels
- Over 30,000 hours working with clients to improve their health and fitness
- Most of my current clients have been working with me for 10 or more years
Over my years working closely with my clients I have had many success stories. Huge weight loss, clients getting off medication for high blood pressure, athletes taking their fitness to the next level. The one thing I have learned about fitness is that most people have a really hard time committing and being consistent week after week, month after month, year after year. Most people want to be healthier, stronger , lose weight but life always allows for excuses. As I got older and extremely busy with work and kids I too had a hard time getting all my workouts in. That is when I started to develop a system that is effect, safe , and efficient. It took away any excuses I was giving myself for not meeting my own fitness and health goals.
Clients that booked in for three private training sessions a week with me were always the ones that had the most success for the long run. That is great but the issue is the cost for three sessions a week was very expensive. My new system and business Circuit 33 allows clients to get three designed workouts in with trainer supervision for a third of the cost. I am very excited to show clients the system that has changed the way I look at fitness and truly believe we will help a lot of people accomplish long term results.